Parent Guidelines for attendance at Park Street Christian Preschool during COVID-19 restrictions.

We, as a community, are committed to keeping our school as safe as possible.  We will follow infection control measures for the protection, safety and well-being of our students, staff and families.  In order for your child to attend our program during this time, you must sign this agreement and return it prior to their first day of attendance.  Failure to do so may result in refusal to admit your child to the program.

  1. Parents must notify the school via email if their child will not be in attendance on a scheduled day due to sickness.  We may recommend getting in touch with your child’s pediatrician for further guidance if they display symptoms that are potentially related to COVID.

  2. Operational hours for our school are M-F, 7:30-6:00.  Those hours may need to be reduced or a class may need to be closed if staff are out sick and a replacement cannot be found.  The school will notify each family as quickly as possible if this occurs. If exposure to COVID has occurred within the school, we will notify families immediately.  We will follow contact tracing guidelines set forth by the VDH, as well as their recommendations for closing the school if necessary.

  3. Children will not be brought into the building but will be greeted at the door to reduce the number of people in the building.  Parents are asked to space out drop-off, and if you see another person dropping their child off, please wait 3 minutes before taking your child to the door to allow staff time to put away belongings and get each child into their classroom.  Upon entering the building, each child will have their temperature taken with a contactless thermometer and they will use hand sanitizer to clean their hands prior to going into their classroom.

  4. No sick children will be allowed at the school.  Symptoms that preclude children from the program include cough, runny nose or sneezing, elevated temperature, diarrhea, vomiting, noticeable fatigue, markedly different behavior or other symptoms which might indicate the presence of illness.  Children must be fever-free without medication for 24 hours prior toattending school. We reserve the right to call and ask you to come pick up your child at any point if they are not feeling well or show any indication of possible illness.

  5. Families must notify the school immediately if anyone in your family tests positive for COVID-19, or you believe that your child was in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID 19.

  6. There will be no Show and Tell or teeth brushing until further notice, and children should limit any items they bring to school.  They may bring one ‘lovey’, a blanket and pillow for nap time, a lunch box and water bottle and complete change of clothing.  We will notify you if additional clothing needs to be replaced in your child’s cubbie.  Nap items will be sent home once a week for cleaning unless additional cleaning is needed.

  7. If a child is out sick, a doctor’s note, allowing them to return to school may be required, depending on the circumstances.  Please check with the director about your child’s particular case.

  8. We must have up to date contact information and emergency contact information for each child so that parents or their representatives can be reached quickly if needed.  Please fill out most up to date information below to ensure we have it on record.

  9. Below is a space for you to fill in your child’s schedule.  Please notify us of your intended usual drop off and pick up time so that if they are scheduled to be picked up during scheduled outdoor times teachers can have your child’s belongings with them. Upon arrival for pick up, staff will get your child, if indoors, and bring them to you at our EXIT door. If you pick your child up while they are outside, you will go to the gate leading to our playground or our outdoor classroom space and we will bring your child and their belongings to you there. 

My child’s schedule: Days:                           Arrival time:              Departure time:

My contact information:

                      Mother                                                Father

Cell #

Work #

Home #

Emergency Contact Name and best contact # (please list 2)




I have read the above information and agree to abide by all guidelines

__________________________                       ____________________________

Parent signature                                                     Parent signature

