Policies and Procedures
Tuition payments: Tuition is due the first day of the week that your child attends school. While parents are not allowed in the building, make sure you hand your tuition check to staff as they bring your child into the building in the morning. A late fee of $10.00 will be assessed if tuition is not paid by the end of the day on Tuesday. If you are paying for 4 weeks of school or more, there is a $10.00 discount from the full amount.
Delinquent tuition: We encourage you to make arrangements if you fall behind on tuition. If tuition is more than one week late and no arrangements have been made, a collection agency will be used to collect any unpaid tuition and your child will not be allowed to return to the program until arrangements have been made or tuition has been paid and if space is still available.
Late pick-up fee: A fee of $1.00 per minute will be assessed for each minute past 6:00 that you arrive. Please pay this fee in a separate check addressed to PSCP.
Returned Checks: There will be a $25.00 returned check fee for all returned checks.
Sign-In Sheet: Staff will sign your child in each day as they arrive. We will need a written note if someone other than the usual person will be bringing or picking your child up. We will check ID of any person we have not met at pick up time.
Absences and closings: Tuition is due even if school is closed or when a child doesn’t attend. Keeping in mind the safety of the staff and families, we will do our best to open during inclement weather. Please inform us when your child will be absent from school. The school voice mail is 434-296-8922. If we are closed or delayed for inclement weather, an email will be sent to notify you. You may also watch NBC 29 news or listen to local radio stations for school closing and delay information. If your child’s class or the school need to close as a result of teacher absence, or exposure to COVID, you will be notified as soon as possible via email.
No make-up days: If your child is absent from school or if the school is closed for any reason, you may not switch or add days to your child’s schedule. Additional days may be added at an additional cost if there is space available with the director’s approval.
Withdrawal: If you plan to withdraw your child, you will need to give a two-week written notice. Tuition for the two weeks must be paid.
Toilet Training: Your child must be 100% toilet trained before enrolling in the program. Your child must be able to go to the bathroom alone and handle clothing independently. If your child starts at PSCP and begins having excessive accidents, PSCP reserves the right to withdraw them from the program based on the lack of our ability to properly sanitize excessive accidents and provide proper supervision of the other children when a teacher is cleaning up toileting accidents. They may return once they are fully potty trained if space is available.
Belongings: Each child will need to bring a complete change of clothing and nap mat for us to maintain here at school. In addition, you must send a lunch box, water bottle, small pillow, small blanket and lovey (if desired).These items must fit inside one reusable bag that will be transported to and from school each day to be cleaned. Please label all belongings. No toys from home are allowed.
Move-ups: Traditional move-ups occur the end of August; however, a child may be moved up on an ‘as needed’ basis if the child is age-appropriate and there is space available in another classroom. There will be a transition period for children prior to any move-ups for them to visit the new classroom.
Birthday celebrations: The school will celebrate birthdays once a month with a school pizza party. Parents may also send in a special snack the day of child’s birthday with prior permission from the teacher/director. Please keep in mind any class allergies.
Medications, sunscreen and bug repellent: As a MAT certified school we will give children medicine when needed. Parents will need to fill out a medication form giving us consent to do so each time it is needed. The medicine must be in its original container and we must follow recommended dosages listed. For any medications that need to stay at school longer than 10 days, a form filled out by the child’s physician is required. For sunscreen and bug repellent, you may fill out the form for the season. Give any medication to the director.
Field Trips: Our school is currently not taking any field trips until the pandemic has passed and normal operations have resumed. We will notify you when field trips can resume.
Photographs and ‘Homeroom’ app.: Our teachers use an application called “Homeroom” to help document activities taking place in each class. Teachers will send out invitations to join this platform and once you have accepted and joined, you will receive updates and notifications. These will include pictures. If you do NOT wish to be included in any pictures taken or in the ‘Homeroom’ app. please let us know and your child will be opted out of this program. Only those who have received an invitation are able to view pictures and other information included in the app.
Volunteering and visiting: Unfortunately, at this time, visitors and volunteers are not allowed at our school for health and safety reasons. Once the pandemic has passed, we will resume allowing both visitors and volunteers to our program and will update you on what that will look like.
Conferences/Communications: Teachers will send home a daily communication note telling you a bit about your child’s day. Weekly lesson plans will be sent home and frequent updates will be posted on our ‘Homeroom’ app. The director will send weekly ‘updates’ about the community and any events scheduled to occur. A monthly calendar will be sent out with any special events occurring during the month. Conferences will be held twice yearly, and parents will be notified in advance when those will be scheduled. If you wish to communicate with your child’s teacher, you may write them a note or send an email to the school, where the director will ensure that they receive your communication. You may also set up a convenient time for a phone conversation or in person meeting. If you have questions, concerns or need to communicate information to the school, please email the director at pscpreschool123@gamil.com.
Sickness: During this time of pandemic, it is especially vital that we ensure the health and safety of our children and staff. If you suspect that your child may have been exposed to COVID, or they show any signs of sickness, please keep them home. If your child has an elevated temperature (without medication), cough, runny nose, upset stomach, diarrhea, or their behavior is unusual, we may call you to come pick them up. We are unable to keep children inside during cold weather due to ratio requirements. Please call when your child will be absent. Sick children may not return to school until they have been fever-free or free from diarrhea for 24 hours.
Lice: It is very common for young children to get lice. It does not mean that children/families are unclean. If your child has lice we will ask that you pick your child up from school and treat them before they return to school. Please notify the school ASAP if you detect that your child has lice so that we can take proper precautionary measures at school.
Immunization records: Before your child begins you must submit a school entry health form that includes an up-to-date immunization record that is filled out by your child’s physician. You must update your child’s school file each year as they receive their well check-up.
Birth certificate: We must have a copy of your child’s birth certificate on file before they can begin in our program.
Hand-washing: Each child will have their hands sanitized upon entry to school each day and there will be several opportunities throughout the day for them to wash or sanitize their hands. They will wash hands each time they use the bathroom and before and after each meal, when they blow their nose, sneeze or cough and after outdoor play time.
Late arrivals and early pick-ups: Your child may not be dropped off after 10:00 am without prior approval, as it is disruptive to the flow of the day. If your child needs to arrive late or leave early for an appointment, please notify us ahead of time so that we can be prepared. Children nap or have rest time between 1:00-3:00, so we ask that you do not pick your child up during this time.
Other pick-ups: The school will need advance notice when someone other than authorized persons will be picking your child up. Please notify staff when someone other than the usual pick up person will be coming so that we can make a note of it. We will check ID of any person we are not familiar with if they come to pick up your child. Only authorized persons or a note naming an additional authorized person are allowed to pick up any child.
Naptime: A regular part of our day is nap or rest and quiet time between 1:00-3:00. Each class will be read to at the beginning of naptime and then a quiet time of at least 30 minutes will occur. After that time, any child that is still awake can get a quiet activity or nap box to use for the remainder of naptime. Any continuous disruptive behavior during naptime will be addressed with parents and strategies will be looked at for helping resolve the situation.
Outside Time and Proper Attire: Outdoor time is a regular part of our curriculum in all seasons (weather permitting) to enhance large muscle development. We will refrain from going outside during extreme temperatures or heavy rain, but families should plan for children to go out in all types of weather, including snow! Your child must have appropriate attire for all weather types. If your child is not dressed appropriately to allow them to participate, you will be called to either bring appropriate attire, or if your child refuses to wear appropriate attire, you may be asked to come pick them up from school. We can not accommodate children to stay inside while outdoor play occurs. Girls should wear shorts under skirts/dresses, and no underwear should be visible. Closed toe shoes are recommended. Send your child to school in play clothes. We will have fun and get dirty!
Security: Our doors will stay locked at all times. Please knock on the door and a staff member will answer once they recognize you. We have exterior security cameras at the entrance and back of our building.
Emergency Situations: In the event of an emergency such as fire, accidents or weather-related problems you will be contacted as soon as possible through email, text message or phone call. Make sure you give us up-to-date contact information so that we are always able to reach you. Teachers are trained in emergency situations and are familiar with our emergency plan of action. For weather-related closings and delays, check email, 29 News and local radio stations for updates. Our crisis onsite relocation space is the church building. Our relocation off-site will be at the Covenant Church on Rio Road or CATEC on Rio Road. The city of Charlottesville is responsible for helping with crisis transportation.
Discipline and Challenging Behavior policy: We believe that young children are learning acceptable behaviors and control of their emotions. Our job is not to punish them, but to help guide them in learning appropriate behaviors and responses to challenging situations. We use ‘calming corners’ in our classrooms to help give children a place to go if they are experiencing big emotions or need time away from extra stimulus to calm down or get control of their emotions. We use ‘modeling’ to demonstrate and help children learn to use appropriate voices and actions in challenging situations. We teach the skills young children need to deal with their emotions and with situations that are challenging. If a child is having difficulty with challenging behaviors we will contact parents to set up a behavior plan to try to help the child become successful at managing those behaviors. Our policy will be reviewed and a plan for improvement put into action. All steps for the plan will be monitored by the director. If, after an agreed upon period of time, it is determined that our program is not able to meet the needs of the child, the school has the right to withdraw the child from the program. If a family does not agree with the school’s decision, a grievance can be filed. Additional information on our Discipline and Challenging behavior policy is available upon request and will be used at director’s discretion.
Contacts: To contact the school, please call 434-296-8922. To send an email, please write pscpreschool123@gmail.com. The Church Preschool Committee supports Park Street Christian Preschool. If you need further assistance from the committee, please contact a representative at 434-296-3155.